Dog Attacks

Hold Owners Accountable

for Dog Bite Injuries

Annually, over 800,000 people require medical attention because of dog bites in the United States. Insurance companies are well aware of the high injury risk that dangerous dogs pose. For this reason, insurance companies often seek to write insurance policies in a way that exclude dog bite coverage. It is important to hire an attorney that has experience navigating these policies to ensure a quick and fair resolution to your case. If you have been attacked by a dog, call Daws Legal today for a free consultation.


Safety Tips to Help Avoid Dog Bites

According to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services, following these tips will help to reduce the likelihood of a dog attack.

A black square with a white check mark inside of it.

Always supervise a young child around any dog, no matter how well known, friendly, or small that dog may be.

A black square with a white check mark inside of it.

Never approach an unfamiliar dog.

A black square with a white check mark inside of it.

Never run from a dog and scream.

A black square with a white check mark inside of it.

Stay still when an unfamiliar dog comes up to you.

A black square with a white check mark inside of it.

Do not disturb a dog that is sleeping, eating or caring for puppies.

A black square with a white check mark inside of it.

Do not pet a dog without letting it see and sniff you first.

A black square with a white check mark inside of it.

Do not tease a dog, pull its ears or tail or squeeze it too hard.

A black and white drawing of a scale of justice on a white background.

Call (972) 970-9580 now – we can help with any dog bite injuries in the Frisco, TX, area.

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